Ecoop Transition Partners Meet in Nitra, Slovakia

In December 2023, the Ecoop Transition partners came together in Slovakia for the next Transnational Partner Meeting (TPM). Hosted by the Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra, this meeting was a key moment to assess progress, refine the final project outputs, and ensure that all goals were on track as we approached the final phase.

With the project well underway, discussions focused on finalising the educational resources, reviewing the case study compendium, and planning the final steps before the project’s completion. Each partner contributed insights from their own work, ensuring that the materials developed would be both practical and accessible for rural communities looking to start their own energy cooperatives.

As the project neared its final stages, there was also a focus on how to share Ecoop’s results effectively. Partners explored ways to make sure that communities, policymakers, and organisations across Europe could benefit from the knowledge and tools developed throughout the project.

Beyond the formal discussions, the meeting was another valuable opportunity for partners to come together in person, strengthening our collaboration and commitment to supporting rural energy transition. With clear plans in place, we left Slovakia with a shared goal: to ensure that Ecoop Transition leaves a lasting impact in the communities it was designed to support.

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